Thursday, November 12, 2009

Several New Affliate Sites Just Added to Winter Trails

Several new Winter Trails Affiliate sites just listed on the Winter Trails website. Check it out and check back often as many more are coming soon.

Snow coming for Colorado this weekend, get out there.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What is Winter Trails?

Winter Trails is an event where children and adults can try snowshoeing and/or cross country skiing FREE at more than 100 locations in the U.S. and Canada.

Winter Trails 2010 is set for January 9, 2010. Venues will be posted later in the year so check back for updates. The 2009 Winter Trails took place January 10, 2009, and the Estes Park, Colorado on February 14, 2009.

Winter Trails is an initiative of SnowSports Industries America.

Each Winter Trails event is run by a local organization or business. If you have questions about the location nearest you or if you have a group you wish to bring, please contact the venue directly for details.

Winter Trails, now in its 14th year, offers entire families or groups of friends, regardless of age, an opportunity to get outside in the winter and enjoy a day on snow. Both snowshoeing and cross country skiing provide exercise, a chance to enjoy nature and they involve a minimal to modest learning curve.

The size and scope of Winter Trails events vary from location to location. All provide the necessary equipment and assistance and many include short nature hikes and other activities. Most offer both snowshoeing and cross country skiing but a few offer one or the other. The Event Sites section on this site lists details about all Winter Trails locations and is updated weekly up until the January events. However, locations will be added until the date of the event so check back weekly for additions.The site also includes practical information about getting started and how to dress.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Backpacker Magazine Joins Winter Trails

Backpacker Magazine has joined Winter Trails as its newest sponsor. Please join us in welcoming them.

Friday, July 24, 2009

15 Years of Winter Trails

You might know that in 2010, Winter Trails will be celebrating it's fifteenth annual Winter Trails Day!  We can't wait, and our fifteenth year will bring some exciting giveaways, online registration to make things more convenient, and of course, free snowshoeing and cross country skiing! 

These are some of our favorite pictures from past events:

Estes Park, CO

Liberty Mountain, PA

Liberty Mountain, PA

Estes Park, CO

Here's this years press release for more info!  Mark your calendars for January 9, 2010-- and sometime in February for the Estes Park event-- dates coming soon.  

Also..we polled our Facebook fans and want to know what you think: which is harder, snowshoeing or cross country skiing? 

Monday, July 13, 2009

What to Wear!

Perhaps the main factor that prevents people from enjoying the outdoors in the wintertime is the cold. Feeling cold is extremely uncomfortable- but just throwing on a coat doesn't make you dressed for the weather! If you dress correctly, you might not even notice the chilly temps, and remember that snowshoeing and cross-country skiing are great aerobic activities that will warm you up..and have you breaking a sweat in no time.

Here's a quick guide of how to layer up for the weather:

Wicking layer: This is the layer worn next to the skin. Look for thermal underwear made of a synthetic fiber that has "wicking" power. As participants perspire, the fibers will wick (move) moisture away from the skin and pass it through the fabric so it can evaporate.
Even though it's cold, snow sports will make participants sweat — especially if they are cross-country skiing or snowshoeing. This is why the wicking layer is very important.

Insulating layer: This middle layer includes sweaters, sweatshirts, vests and pullovers. The purpose of this layer is to keep heat in and cold out, which is accomplished by trapping air between the fibers. Popular insulation materials include fleece and wool.

Protection layer: The exterior layer serves as the guard against the elements of winter. It should repel moisture from snow, sleet or rain; block the wind, and let perspiration escape to the outside to evaporate. Some jackets and pants are shells (no insulation), some include built-in insulation, and others have zip-in insulation layers. Choose your protection layer based on temperatures and snow conditions in your area or where you like to vacation.

Headwear: Up to 60 percent of the body's heat can escape from an uncovered head-- so don't forget your hat!

Sunglasses and goggles: Snow, because it is a reflective surface, makes ultraviolet (UV) rays stronger. On sunny days, sunglasses are essential to protect the eyes. On flat-light days or when it's snowing, goggles are vital.

Gloves and mittens: Look for gloves and mittens that use waterproof/breathable fabrics. Mittens, in general, are warmer than gloves, but offer less dexterity. Consider the type of activity when choosing between gloves and mittens. Gloves for cross-country skiing tend to be lighter-weight to allow for extra movement and a higher degree of perspiration.

Socks: One pair of lightweight or medium weight socks works best. Socks are made from a variety of materials, including polyester, silk and wool. Socks designed specifically for snow sports have wicking properties similar to thermal underwear, meaning your feet will stay drier and more comfortable.
For more information, check out our website here.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Did you know?

  • 46% of snowshoers are women.

  • You burn 45% more calories snowshoeing than walking or running at the same speed.

  • Snowshoeing uses every major muscle group at relatively high intensity for extended periods of time, thus requiring high caloric expenditure.

  • Cross country skiing burns more calories per hour than any other sport.

  • Cross country skiing is an ideal cross-training sport for running or biking.

  • Crosscountry skiing is one of the most affordable snow sport activities. A day trip costs, on average, $12 for a trail pass (for those who already have equipment) or $35 for trail pass, rental equipment and a lesson.

Check out here for more fun snowshoeing facts and here for cross country skiing facts.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Snowshoeing on Sand?

We're a little late coming across this New York Times article, but it's so cool that we just couldn't resist.

It's called Sweating in Snowshoes at the Beach, and it describes three New Yorkers who were training for the 2009 North Pole Marathon. As New York didn't have snow for them to train on, they decided to run on the beach in snowshoes!

It turns out that the 2009 North Pole Marathon has already happened- on April 7, 2009, thirty-eight participants completed the sixth annual event. Competitors wore snowshoes or trail running shoes depending on snow conditions.

What do you think of a North Pole Marathon? Would you ever do it? What's the most extreme winter sport you've done? Ever snowshoed on the beach?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer fitness fun

While we are all missing winter here at Winter Trails, there's a bright side to this whole summer thing: it lets us get back in shape for winter! Endurance, muscle strength, and flexibility are three important factors to fitness for winter sports, so here's what we focus on come summer:
  • Biking and mountain biking
  • Hiking
  • Running
  • Kayaking
  • Swimming

Luckily, these all let us enjoy the great outdoors just as much as our beloved winter sports do. What are your suggestions for staying in shape for winter sports? Any special tips and tricks? Do you hit the gym or stick to outside?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Winter Trails Day 2010

January 9, 2010 will be the 15th annual Winter Trails Day!  It might be mid-summer but plenty of venues have already announced they'll hold Winter Trails Day events at the start of next winter:
Sponsors for next year's event will include Atlas, MSR, Kahtoola, Tubbs, Leki, Rossignol, Grabber, and Columbia Sportswear.  Get excited, and visit here for more information!

Where to go?

So-- once you've decided to try out cross country skiing or snowshoeing, where exactly do you go?  You may have already realized that one of the great things about cross country skiing and snowshoeing is that you can even go in your backyard if there's snow!  But what if you don't own the equipment, or have never been before?  

Your local cross country ski area is probably the best place to start out- you can rent equipment, learn how to use it, and usually explore a beautiful area.  We like the Cross Country Ski Areas Association's resort search tool, which lists hundreds of cross country ski and snowshoe resorts and trails by state.  

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Bachelorette's Snowshoe Date-- Genius?

We're not sure how we feel about ABC's reality show The Bachelorette, but there's one thing we can agree on with Bachelorette Jillian. On Monday night's episode Jillian took her dates snowshoeing and exclaimed "you can do whatever you want in the snow!"
Snowshoeing sounds like a great date idea- it's easy enough to learn, noncompetitive, and you can enjoy being outdoors and active. What do you think- is snowshoeing a worthwhile date?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mark your calendars...

The 15th annual Winter Trails Day on January 9, 2010 is only 200 days away. Winter Trails events give children and adults a chance to try out snowshoeing and cross country skiing for free. They are easy to learn, great winter fitness options, and most importantly FUN!

For now check out our Web site and mark your calendars for Winter Trails Day 2010.